Are your skin care products making your skin sensitive?
Have you ever wondered if it could be your skin care products that are making your skin sensitive? If your answer is Yes, then you could be onto something!
Colours are known to cause skin sensitivities!
It is a known fact that colours that are added to products to make them look more appealing from a marketing perspective, are the very things that may be causing your skin to become sensitized. The sad thing about this, that people may not realise is that once you have had a skin reaction it is then build into your DNA for life – and then you are far more susceptible to skin allergens, sensitizers for the rest of your life.
You need to choose your skin care wisely, as if you were choosing what to eat, and what you are ok with be absorbed into your body – something nutritious and healthy which will not put a burden on your body should be your go to.
A key example of this is Aloe Vera Gel – If you break open a Aloe Vera stem and tell me what the colour of natural Aloe Vera is from the plant, you will tell me it is clear, isn’t it! But most of the Aloe Vera Gels you purchase in store are green. Why? Why do they do this to us? Well it is to make the product look more appealing from a marketing perspective as with chemistry the clear Aloe Vera may become milky in appearance, so not as clear, over the full 2 year shelf period. Cosmetic chemists believe that the public won’t be happy seeing this so they add colour to cover up the changes in appearance that naturally happen over time.
What I am telling you is that this is not necessary and can cause a skin sensitivity, which in the first instance is probably why you are using Aloe Vera in the first place, to calm the skin. Don’t risk it. Choose to only use products from a company with integrity, who is transparent and allows you to be educated on ingredients and Natural products and a little bit of Milky appearance changes in Aloe Vera for example over 2 years is absolutely fine if it is a natural product. Things in nature do change and I would rather see how it evolves and changes than have it covered up, wouldn’t you!
Long Story Short… Artificial colours in Skincare just don’t belong, and whilst they may make your skincare a pretty colour, you may be doing more damage than good! Whilst natural products do not offer the vibrant yellows, greens and pinks you can see in some skincare, the pastel colours in which you do see in natural products often are pigments from plants and are perfectly fine being the natural colour.
If you want protect yourself from artificial colours in your skincare, start by first reading your labels and looking for things like “colourant”, CI 26100, F&DC 6, Red 1, Blue 3 and Yellow 6. This is the best way to protect yourself against using artificial colourants in your skincare, haircare, dental care products as well as your house cleaners etc. If you are not the type to read labels than choose a company you can trust to not be adding these colourants into their products, choose a company you can trust to do the right thing by you and your skin!
If you wish to learn more about ingredients in skin care and cosmetics, or if you wish to be educated and become more savvy so that you don’t choose potential harmful ingredients in your skin care and cosmetics for yourself, your family or even your clients and business, then contact us by email on or sign up to our website and follow our Instagram
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